

This agreement applies as between you, the User of this Web Site and The Brand Identity, the owner(s) of this Web Site. Your agreement to comply with and be bound by these terms and conditions is deemed to occur upon your first use of the Web Site. If you do not agree to be bound by these terms and conditions, you should stop using the Web Site immediately. Definitions and InterpretationIn this Agreement the following terms shall have the following meanings: “Content” means any text, graphics, images, audio, video, software, data compilations and any other form of information capable of being stored in a computer that appears on or forms part of this Web Site; “The Brand Identity ” means The Brand Identity Group Ltd, 7 Browne Close, Ashwellthorpe, Norwich, England, NR16 1FG; “Service” means collectively any online facilities, tools, services or information that The Brand Identity makes available through the Web Site either now or in the future; “System” means any online communications infrastructure that The Brand Identity makes available through the Web Site either now or in the future. This includes, but is not limited to, web-based email, message boards, live chat facilities and email links; “User” / “Users” means any third party that accesses the Web Site and is not employed by The Brand Identity and acting in the course of their employment; and “Web Site” means the website that you are currently using (

Intellectual Property

All Content included on the Web Site, unless uploaded by Users, including, but not limited to, text, graphics, logos, icons, images, sound clips, video clips, data compilations, page layout, underlying code and software is the property of The Brand Identity, our affiliates or other relevant third parties. By continuing to use the Web Site you acknowledge that such material is protected by applicable United Kingdom and International intellectual property and other relevant laws. You may not reproduce, copy, distribute, store or in any other fashion re-use material from the Web Site unless otherwise indicated on the Web Site or unless given express written permission to do so by The Brand Identity. Material from the Web Site may be re-used without written permission where any of the exceptions detailed in Chapter III of the Copyright Designs and Patents Act 1988 apply.

If you provide content for our site

If you provide any material to our Site uploading any other content in any format (including video) (each “User Content”) you agree to grant us permission, irrevocably and free of charge, to use the User Content (including adapting it for operational or editorial reasons) in any media worldwide, for our own marketing, research and promotional activities and our internal business purposes which may include providing the User Content to selected third-party partners, service providers, social media and networking sites. You own your User Content at all times, and you continue to have the right to use it in any way you choose. By providing any User Content to our Site you confirm that such User Content: is your own original work or you are authorised to provide it to our Site and that you have the right to give us permission to use it for the purposes set out in these Terms of Use; will not contain or promote anything illegal, harmful, misleading, abusive, defamatory (that is, it does not damage someone’s good reputation) or anything else that might cause widespread offence or bring us or our business partners into disrepute; does not take away or affect any other person’s privacy rights, contract rights or any other rights; does not contain any virus or other code that may damage, interfere with or otherwise adversely affect the operation of our Site; will, if used to promote your own business or services, clearly and openly state your association with the particular business expressly; and will not contain any form of mass-mailing or spam. If you do not want to grant us the permissions set out above, please do not provide any material to our Site. We have no obligation to publish your User Content on our Site and we retain the right to remove any User Content at any time and for any reason. We do not edit, pre-vet or review any User Content displayed on our Site. If you believe that any User Content does not comply with the requirements set out in this paragraph, please notify us immediately. We will then review the User Content and, where we deem it appropriate, remove it within a reasonable time.